My name is Sarit Grinberg, 44 years old, happily married to Yuval and mother of 4 wonderful children, 3 boys (age 13.5, 9, 4) and one princess daughter (age 11).

I graduated in Industrial Engineering, and also have a teaching certificate for Technology Education.

The technical and creative background have always been an important part of my life. It probably passed in my genes from a creative mother whose hands were always busy with handicraft, and a father who always dismantled every new thing that came into the house and then put it back together, and always knew how to do/build/fix anything.

I have been knitting and crocheting for pleasure since I was 12 years old. Three years ago I fulfilled a dream – I opened a magical studio for knitting, crochet and craft.

In the studio I design, create, sell yarn, and teach many women and children .Inter alia , as my daughter is left handed and I taught her to crochet, I also specialize in teaching left handed.

Soon after opening the studio I discovered the wonderful world of Crochet-A-Long and fell in love with it, so it was very natural for me to design a first big  CAL in my country.

Simply create.



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Laurene Shawl New Generation C2C CAL – Intro לסרוג יחד לוריין שאל – פינה לפינה הדור החדש- הכרות
שאל סבכה פינה לפינה – Lattice C2C Shawl
ריבוע איקס- X Square
Windows C2C Motif Blanket Mini Cal – שמיכת ריבועי חלונות פינה לפינה מיני לסרוג יחד
שאל יהלומים פינה לפינה – Diamonds C2C Shawl
דגלי קשת משולשים – Rainbow Triangular Flags
סלסלה סרוגה במסרגה אחת – Crochet Basket
חיבור הדגלים – Join C2C Flag
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